Jessie Christopher Smith, Oklahoman, Sept. 1, 2021

An Oklahoma City police officer has been fired over an incident at a massage parlor last year. Sgt. Alonzo Fields, 30, was fired on Aug. 25 after admitting to allegations of misconduct, according to his termination letter. Fields was charged in Oklahoma County District Court in February with one count of engaging in prostitution and one count of assault and battery. The misdemeanor case is still pending. In the termination letter, Oklahoma City Police Chief Wade Gourley outlined 12 allegations stemming from the incident at the massage parlor while Fields was off duty. According to the termination letter, Fields admitted to sending a text message to Studio 132 Massage Therapy and Esthetics, asking “do you have any possible bikini or mutual massaging options.”

Editorial license:

“Fired” is not enough. Such police officer conduct is quietly swept under the rug to protect those running city govt.



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